How to download buffered Vedios from any streaming site..without any software

How to Download buffered video

I have write this post for those person who, like me, could not see the video directly on browser may because of low speed.
An interesting thing about all the video that you see on browser before being displayed on screen is that it firstly download on your computer at "C:\Documents and Settings\"user name"\Local Settings\Temp" or at "C:\Documents and Settings\"user name"\Local Settings\Temp\Temporary Internet Files" with some name. the data stored at 2nd place can be retained but in first case there is a problem you can not access this data because during the browser is running this file can not be accessed(because whenever any process is taking place the cause of this process is locked) and after you turn browser off the data automaticaly deletedright click on .tmp file for downloading youtube video. Therefor here we use a tool which can stop the process and then can copy this data. named unlocker you can download it from here.


1. Find the file in above mentioned two directory
(green colored string) with memory in range of Mb.

a)the above mentioned file is of tmp extention.

b)see its memory by going through the property of file not by overing it.

2.Now, right click on this file and then go to unlocker. then you will get a window as shown below.

unlocker windows select copy then ok3.then, from the combo box(left bottom corner of window appeared) select copy.

4. now, it will prompt for address where you want file to be copied

5.Now, for playing this copied file first change tmp extention to flv and run it using any flv player like(km player or vlc player).

Watch Video on How to Download Youtube Video.

The End!
